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Well, is it Dr. Dean

Well, is it Dr. Dean or Governor Dean? It's funny to me when people try to build up Howard Dean's stature by using one or the other title, depending I guess on what the speaker thinks sounds more impressive. I'd say given the job he's applying for, the only relevant qualification is Governor Howard Dean.

Wonderful Mars pictures? Unavailable! I

Wonderful Mars pictures? Unavailable! I was looking around the Mars Rover Web site for some of those amazing pictures, and to my surprise they are now asking for a password to get into the 'raw images' area. I've got to believe that this is not for security but because their server was getting totally beat up by people like me browsing around.

Hmm, maybe they should use some warez technology? Here maybe for the first time is a very ligitimate, legal, and useful place where Bit Torrent and other clever file sharing technologies could be used as a force for good 🙂