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Some people have such juice (i.e traffic) to their blog that they when

they sneeze, the blogsphere gets a cold. In this
from Scobleizer - Tech Geek
: Scoble uses his clout to try and either force or embarass or
punish Om Malik for having only partial text RSS feeds, because, as he
says "I hate those".

"[…]Oh, and Om Malik, I'm putting a lot fewer things from your feeds
on my link blog lately after you went to partial text feeds. I hate
those. But it's an effective way to get me to mostly remove you from my
link blog.[…]

(from: The
link blog effect

So, what, is it "Link softly but carry a big stick?"

Really cool new site: MyPunchBowl


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This new site looks quite cool. It's a friendlier alternative to eVite,
less ad heavy and more fun. They just launched today! Check out this
from MyPunchblog:

TechCrunch has the story:

It's been a blast developing this new product -- we hope you'll sign
and give it a try.

  • The MyPunchbowl Team

Throw your best party yet!

Now Live

New Dawn


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Take a look at, which is a new site
that I've been involved with, and recently started doing some pretty cool
posting on their own team blog. Check out this
from the team blog:

[…]I can´t imagine how many great ideas get pushed aside by capable
innovators every year, every month, every week because there really was
no way for them to realize it. No connections, no collaborators, no
visibility, no next step in site. Pocketed across the world´s college
campuses, intern pits and urban neighborhoods are these lone gunmen of
the cutting edge, those guys and gals with the know-what but not
necessarily the know-who or know-how. We like to think that community
like might be the tool that will help transform the

(from: New Dawn)

Sound interesting? Send me an email and I'll see if I can get you an

Read this and guess where it’s from…. Is the Matrix upon us?


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[3:56 pm PST] In an effort to improve the performance of teleports
across the grid, we are going to rebalance our bandwidth to some
simulators in our co-location facilities. This will entail taking 164
regions off line for 30 minutes and bringing them back up on a new
circuit. We will start this process at 4:00 pm PST so we should be
complete with this operation by about 4:30 pm PST.

(from : Update
on Search and TP issues

Scott Adams writres about Spasmodic Dysphonia…


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If you'veheard of Dilbert, then you may have heard about the author Scott
Adams. And of course everyone has heard of Dilbert.

His blog is almost always funny and sometimes really interesting to the point
of touching. In a recent post, Scott Adams reveals that he suffers from
something I never ever heard of before. Check out [this

post]( where Scott Adams writes in the The
Dilbert Blog

"[…]As I've [Scott Adams] explained in this blog, about two years ago
I suddenly acquired a bizarre and exotic voice problem called a
spasmodic dysphonia. I couldn't speak for about 18 months unless I was
on stage doing my public speaking, or alone, or singing. The rest of the
time my vocal cords would clench and I could barely get out a word[…]

(from Scott Adams in: [Voice


It's just one of those things that reminds you that for all we think we
know about what is going on in people's lives, there's lots we don't

“I�_Tm going to wait for the iPhone Shuffle. You just clip it to your ear and call people at random.”


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Check out this
from John Nack on Adobe:

"[…]From Victor Allen at Juxt Interactive: "I'm going to wait for the
iPhone Shuffle. You just clip it to your ear and call people at
random." Hah![…]"

(from: iPhone
quip o' the day, plus more from Macworld

Grey Gardens, on broadway

Here's a show with a plot that is quite unusual, set as a musical, on Broadway. I enjoyed it immensely -- recommended! Christine Ebersole is the lead, she briefly was a regular on Saturday Night Live (early eighties, for a couple of years) - not that I remember her from then although from the un-made-up photo on the web site, I kind of recognize her. Read more about it on wikipedia (where else?)

p.s. The whole web site is made in flash and as a result I can't link to any of the inner pages. Not smart!