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This has just been made free! I think these tutorials will contain some gems.

tags: ruby free tutorials ruby on rails

Fowler discusses real and so called faux agile.

tags: project agile scrum

Answering the perennial question, once again, in the positive.

tags: rails

Progressive web apps, an interesting alternative to a SPA.

tags: progressive web spa app

A super useful collection of cli alternatives. Save time and headaches!

tags: cli Unix commands tricks

Fun list of papers, reports, and dissertations related to ruby from academia.

tags: bibliography dissertation research ruby

Wow, lots of neat things here for the very mundane chore of running in the rails console!

tags: console tricks rails

All about parsing CSV and what the current solutions are in Ruby, and problems therein.

tags: csv

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A gem containing functionality to represent, import and export spreadsheets

tags: rails ruby Spreadsheets

Excellent advanced info on crating dB indexes, looking at query plans to understand performance.

tags: database postgres scale rails indexes

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A really nice tutorial explaining how to write a gui app on Linux using Ruby.

tags: creating linux desktop ruby glade gtk+

Forking with git, and just creating and merging branches can be very confusing.

tags: commands fork git

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

I’m not personally an rspec fan, but lots of people are

tags: ruby ruby on rails rspec configure

Authorization is the management of who is allowed to do what (vs. authentication which is accurate identification of who a user is)

tags: pundit rails recipes authorization

ActionCable is a very powerful subsystem in Rails to create server push scenarios easily.

tags: ActionCable WebSocket rails engineering

Hey, Ruby on Rails is still there!

tags: recommendations programming languages

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

This is very interesting and cool way to use ruby for fancy cli scripts, like people often use AWK. I haven’t quite figured out how to use it but it’s cool!

tags: tooling ruby cli

A really clear visual explanation of what a Markova chain is and what it is good for.

tags: markovchains visual explanation

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.