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Really good site for creating animated gifs from videos and lots lots more.

tags: video gif animated pr marketing

tags: sinatra tips ruby stackoverflow state variables global

How to build Sinatra apps with background processing

tags: microservices sinatra tips background threads ruby

Sinatra state management tips

tags: microservices sinatra stackoverflow stateless tips

How to build microservices on Heroku with Sinatra. Realy useful!

tags: queueing reddis sinatra microservices

Heroku and Github free offers

tags: students github

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

I agree, of course!

tags: review programming ruby language easy

Pretty interesting review of a world I didn’t know we’ll.

tags: software scaling architecture database

Not exactly what I would write but very useful because of that!

tags: architecture scaling

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

tags: scaling microservices web

Logs are the boring unsung heroes of quality and debugging.

tags: tips logs overview debugging

Good insights about what is learned and what is useful in a computer Science curriculum.

tags: computer computer science degree

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Rails 6 will help with database sharding!

tags: rails

Fun new method in ruby 2.6

tags: ruby news

Just proves yet again that with the Unix command line you can do anything!

tags: unix pipes hacks

Wow, this looks just like Sinatra. If you want to build a quick web server this is the tool for you!

tags: framework tutorial python best practices flask

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.