An Introduction to LiteStack for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog
Link: An Introduction to LiteStack for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog: "In the first part of this series, we'll set up an example Rails application and introduce the basics of LiteStack."
A multi part series on the so called LiteStack. People seem to be coming back around to using SQLite for their production databases. This was the way it was a few years ago but then everyone decided that SQLite was a toy and we should use Postgres. Yes, it was a little more complicated and could cost a little more but we were clever enough to figure it out. Well I like this trend to ditching unnecessary complexity (“you are not Facebook”)
Everything you need to know about GIT
Link: Everything you need to know about GIT: "I'm sure you can imagine the importance of versioning code, so that we can revert changes and recover..."
Yet another beginner explanation of git!
Cube Pose Tracking using OpenCV and ArUco in ROS: A Step-by-Step Guide
Link: Cube Pose Tracking using OpenCV and ArUco in ROS: A Step-by-Step Guide: "Introduction"
I am looking for a substitute for fideucials with ROS. I have used raspicam_node from Ubiquity Robotics and it does work but it took a lot of playing. I wonder if opencv would work better.
Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Common Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)
Link: Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Common Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them): "Learn the fundamentals of event-driven architecture (EDA), message elements and patterns, event design patterns, the common EDA pitfalls and how to avoid them."
A thorough review of event driven architectures. Lots of actionable ideas and rules of thumb. Even thought this is from a vendor plugging their wares, there is a lot to learn here!
How to Detect Objects in Real-Time Using OpenCV and Python
Link: How to Detect Objects in Real-Time Using OpenCV and Python: "For the uninitiated, Real-Time Object Detection might sound quite a mouthful. However, with a few awesome libraries at hand, the job…"
Useful information for building clever robots that can locate boxes to stack up!
Jade Rubick - Unusual tips to keep Slack from becoming a nightmare
Link: Jade Rubick - Unusual tips to keep Slack from becoming a nightmare: "Use the tips to improve your org's use of Slack: answers to questions should take longer than the time to look it up, notifications should go to a few people, the more people in a room, the more structured it should be. Plus a few more."
We use slack a lot at work. These are some helpful tips to reduce noise and increase communication. When there are four different ways to communicate (email, slack, sms, and posting to a forum) you have a lot of wasted time. Yes each way has a slightly different purpose and effect, but four are too many!
Handling Tasks in Asyncio Like a Pro
Link: Handling Tasks in Asyncio Like a Pro: "I first go over the basics of an Asyncio task object and then talk about all of the various ways to handle them and the pros and cons of each."
A great explanation of various ways to handle asynchrony in python. Basic stuff that we all should know about.
Ruby tap() vs yield_self()
Link: Ruby tap() vs yield_self(): "Explaining tap vs yield_self in ruby with examples"
A great explanation of a fairly arcane bit of ruby.
4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class
Link: 4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class: "Incorporating gen AI tools like ChatGPT into your course doesn’t have to disrupt your teaching methods or overhaul your syllabus. If you’re hesitant to try, here are four ways to seamlessly introduce AI and ensure your classes remain dynamic and relevant."
Really good idea. Try this prompt from this article: ““I am having a bit of a hard time with concepts related to early-stage financing. Please test me on the following: pre-money valuation, post-money valuation, investment size, and ownership stakes. I’d like you to ask me three questions in succession. Wait for my answer on each, and then assess my answer. Do not give me the answer, even if I ask. Instead, if I am struggling or get the wrong answer, please give me a hint. Start now with the first question.”
Polars — Why we have rewritten the string data type
Link: Polars — Why we have rewritten the string data type: "DataFrames for the new era"
Interesting quasi replacement for pandas (?). Worth looking into.