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How People Get Rich Now

Link: How People Get Rich Now: "Every year since 1982, Forbes magazine has published a list of the richest Americans. If we compare the 100 richest people in 1982 to the 100 richest in 2020, we notice some big differences!"

Bash vs Zsh vs Fish | Zell Liew

Link: Bash vs Zsh vs Fish | Zell Liew: "When I set up my Windows computer, I had the chance to take another look at the shell I'm using. The three main ones out there are Bash, Zsh, and Fish. I want to share which one I chose and how I went about setting it up."

GameDev Pensieve

Link: GameDev Pensieve: "I use this website as a memory dump for gamedev things i might need in the future. I will update it with new things when i feel like it or when i need to forget things to make room for more. If you have any questions ask on twitter. Note: This is for my own personal memory dump so it's written to"

QUT Robot Academy

Link: QUT Robot Academy: "University-level, short video lessons and full online courses to help you understand and prepare for this technology of the future."

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