How People Get Rich Now
Link: How People Get Rich Now: "Every year since 1982, Forbes magazine has published a list of the richest Americans. If we compare the 100 richest people in 1982 to the 100 richest in 2020, we notice some big differences!"
Bash vs Zsh vs Fish | Zell Liew
Link: Bash vs Zsh vs Fish | Zell Liew: "When I set up my Windows computer, I had the chance to take another look at the shell I'm using. The three main ones out there are Bash, Zsh, and Fish. I want to share which one I chose and how I went about setting it up."
Fish vs. Zsh vs. Bash and Why You Should Switch to Fish
Link: Fish vs. Zsh vs. Bash and Why You Should Switch to Fish: "There are two kinds of *nix users: the cautious and the adventurous"
GameDev Pensieve
Link: GameDev Pensieve: "I use this website as a memory dump for gamedev things i might need in the future. I will update it with new things when i feel like it or when i need to forget things to make room for more. If you have any questions ask on twitter. Note: This is for my own personal memory dump so it's written to"
Comparing Python Command-Line Parsing Libraries – Argparse, Docopt, and Click – Real Python
Link: Comparing Python Command-Line Parsing Libraries – Argparse, Docopt, and Click – Real Python: "Here we'll compare three command-line parsing libraries - argparse, docopt, and click."
QUT Robot Academy
Link: QUT Robot Academy: "University-level, short video lessons and full online courses to help you understand and prepare for this technology of the future."
#1 Online Wholesale Matboard Supplier, Quality Pre Cut, Custom Mat Board, Economy Precut Picture Matting
Link: #1 Online Wholesale Matboard Supplier, Quality Pre Cut, Custom Mat Board, Economy Precut Picture Matting: "Redimat is the National Leader For Mat Board. Quality Pre Cut or Custom Economy and Museum Matboard & Unbeatable Prices. Trusted by Professionals - Call Now 877-883-1011"
| The Definitive TypeScript Guide | Blog | SitePen
Link: | The Definitive TypeScript Guide | Blog | SitePen: "The SitePen blog gives educational tips for solving big business problems and achieving technical objectives."
/dev/lawyer The MIT License, Line by Line
Link: /dev/lawyer The MIT License, Line by Line: "171 words every programmer should understand"