Concurrency Deep Dive: Multi-process | AppSignal Blog
Link: Concurrency Deep Dive: Multi-process | AppSignal Blog: "A deep dive into achieving concurrency using multi-process."
Concurrent Ruby with Tasks
Link: Concurrent Ruby with Tasks: "Posted in r/ruby by u/drewolson • 27 points and 8 comments"
Confusing concurrency concepts in Java (2017 talk) : java
Link: Confusing concurrency concepts in Java (2017 talk) : java: "Really hard concurrency concepts."
Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities
Link: Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities: ""
Consensus Systems with Ethan Buchman | Software Engineering Daily
Link: Consensus Systems with Ethan Buchman | Software Engineering Daily: "Consensus protocols are used to allow computers to work together. A consensus protocol lets different servers agree on the state of a system. For decades, these protocols have been used to establish consensus among database nodes, application servers, and other infrastructure that runs within an enterprise. More recently, new consensus protocols have been invented to"
Construct Your CSS | WYSIWYG Layout Editor, Semantic & Table-Free | Based on Blueprint & jQuery
Link: Construct Your CSS | WYSIWYG Layout Editor, Semantic & Table-Free | Based on Blueprint & jQuery: ""
Consultant interview: Markus Schirp
Link: Consultant interview: Markus Schirp: "A really interesting and more or less brand new way to do testing"
Continuous Integration for Everybody — TeamCity
Link: Continuous Integration for Everybody — TeamCity: "TeamCity: Hassle-Free CI and CD Server by JetBrains"
Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment |
Link: Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment |: "CI is a practice that makes preparing for a release easier. CD may refer to "delivery" or "deployment," which are similar but not quite the same."
Contracts.ruby by egonSchiele
Link: Contracts.ruby by egonSchiele: "contracts.ruby brings code contracts to the Ruby language. Code contracts allow you make some assertions about your code, and then checks them to make sure they hold."