Ways to Add Value For Service Offerings
Link: Ways to Add Value For Service Offerings: "When putting together a freelancing service, or a consulting offering, you can offer different options, and each option can be a package of value. Let’s define a few of the ways your clients might define value."
Such a simple question. And yet it is great to see the options for enhancing a service offering and thereby justifying a certain price.
UI Density
Link: UI Density: "I speak and write about design, front-end code, leadership, and (occasionally) math."
This analysis is quite interesting and reflects I think the way I perceive user interfaces. I wish though that it actually came down on a side and explained whether for example the Bloomberg interface was good or bad and / or how you would create a modern version of the density that the Bloomberg interface has.
Five Things to Avoid in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
Link: Five Things to Avoid in Ruby | AppSignal Blog: "We'll dive into five common Ruby mistakes and see how we can combat them."
Good reminders of good ruby code. Some of these I agree with and som are in the "too clever" category for me. Of course that is in the eye of the beholder. For me, an idiom may be a very clever use of Ruby that you see a lot and so you learn it. And a "too clever" usage is very similar except you hardly ever come across it and so you need to think about it. Yes, it's subjective. What was once too clever for someone today may actually feel clearer than the obvious way of doing something. Yet. there is such a thing as "too clever" code in Ruby as in all languages.
Link: NiceGUI: "NiceGUI is an easy-to-use, Python-based UI framework, which shows up in your web browser. You can create buttons, dialogs, Markdown, 3D scenes, plots and much more."
I haven't tried it but it looks amazing. We always love to see new and better Python APIs.
Personal vs. Personalized AI
Link: Personal vs. Personalized AI: "There is a war going on. Humanity and nature are on one side and Big Tech is on the other. The two sides are not opposed. They are orthogonal. The human side is horizontal and the Big Tech side is …"
Interesting insights about personal vs. personalized. Yes they are quite different.
Python Resources for working with Excel - Working with Excel Files in Python
Link: Python Resources for working with Excel - Working with Excel Files in Python: ""
A very practical guide to APIs to work with Excel files in Python. Of course everyone's using Google Sheets so we need that too!
Testing anti-pattern: merged setup data - Code with Jason
Link: Testing anti-pattern: merged setup data - Code with Jason: "In a single test file, there’s often overlap among the setup data needed for the tests in the file. For whatever reasons, perhaps in an effort to improve performance or avoid duplication, test writers often merge the setup code and bring it to the top of the file so it’s available to all test cases. […]"
Interesting. But I think it goes a little far in calling this an "anti pattern". I mean I see the point, but it's not so terrible that I would label it as anti.
GPT-4 is 82% more persuasive than humans, and AIs can now read emotions
Link: GPT-4 is 82% more persuasive than humans, and AIs can now read emotions: "GPT-4 is already better at changing people's minds than the average human is, according to new research. The gap widens the more it knows about us – and once it can see us in real time, AI seems likely to become an unprecedented persuasion machine."
Ouch. This is not a happy development. I worry about our highly polarized, super conflicted, manipulated and confused society. This aint gonna help.
Hollow Out a 2×4 for Your Next Project Enclosure | Make:
Link: Hollow Out a 2×4 for Your Next Project Enclosure | Make:: "Show off your woodworking skills and create an affordable one-of-a-kind enclosure from 2×4 scraps for your next project."
For makers, this is near idea!
Ever Had a Horrible Boss? ‘The Fund’ Is the Perfect Rage-Read.
Link: Ever Had a Horrible Boss? ‘The Fund’ Is the Perfect Rage-Read.: "In Rob Copeland’s “The Fund,” we learn about the notorious hedge-fund giant Ray Dalio — and the manipulative professional hellscape over which he has presided."
Reading this book right now. It is super good, highly readable. And you really learn about how weird a place to work can be. You’ve got to read it to believe it. I don’t want to say more lest I get sued.