Great collection of Public APIs
Link: Great collection of Public APIs: "Well I always look at but it's becoming more and more cluttered with ads and whatnot. Also there's so much in it, I think it's totally uncharted."
Growing collection of Enterprise 2.0 Success Stories
Link: Growing collection of Enterprise 2.0 Success Stories: "A great collection of case studies"
Guide to CSS Units for Relative Spacing - DEV Community
Link: Guide to CSS Units for Relative Spacing - DEV Community: "If you use css you should know this!"
Gunnar Optiks | Advanced Computer Eyewear, Gaming Glasses, Prescription Eyewear
Link: Gunnar Optiks | Advanced Computer Eyewear, Gaming Glasses, Prescription Eyewear: "Supposed to be great for people who sit at the computer all day long."
HTML5 Rocks - How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers
Link: HTML5 Rocks - How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers: "In this comprehensive primer, you will learn what happens in the browser between when you type in the address bar until you see the Google page on the browser screen."
HTTP Prompt - An interactive command-line HTTP client
Link: HTTP Prompt - An interactive command-line HTTP client: "If you’re getting a web api to work, this seems like a great alternative,"
Hanami | Introducing Hanami::API
Link: Hanami | Introducing Hanami::API: "Faster than Sinatra? By that much? Hard to believe."
Handling Growth with Postgres: 5 Tips From Instagram - Instagram Engineering
Link: Handling Growth with Postgres: 5 Tips From Instagram - Instagram Engineering: "As we’ve scaled Instagram to an ever-growing number of active users, Postgres has continued to be our solid foundation and the canonical data storage for most of the data created by our users. While less than a year ago, we blogged about how we “stored a lot of data” at Instagram at 90 likes per second, we’re now pushing over 10,000 likes per second at peak–and our fundamental storage technology hasn’t changed."