How to get 4x the performance out of Heroku with UnicornThe Codeship Blog
Link: How to get 4x the performance out of Heroku with UnicornThe Codeship Blog: ""
How to improve your workflow with VS Code and Jupyter Notebook
Link: How to improve your workflow with VS Code and Jupyter Notebook: "Supercharge your Data Science workflow. Jupyter Notebooks + VS Code = 💘"
How to install Tomcat and Java 6 on CentOS 5.2
Link: How to install Tomcat and Java 6 on CentOS 5.2: "I'm not very smart on installing packages on Linux, but today I need to configure a Tomcat on a CentOS 5.2. The CentOS 5.2 has Tomcat 5 available as yum"
How to make responsiveness super simple with CSS Variables
Link: How to make responsiveness super simple with CSS Variables: "Learn how to create the following responsiveness with CSS Variables.A quick tutorial on how to create responsive websites in 2019.If you haven’t heard of CSS Variables before, it’s a new feature of CSS which gives you the power of variables in your stylesheet, without having to"
How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face |
Link: How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face | "I spent way too long figuring out the how to make video calls feel natural. Here’s the best advice I came up with."
How to organize your git branches
Link: How to organize your git branches: "Another article about the perennial question of how to organize git branches"
How to rewrite your SQL queries in Pandas, and more | Codementor
Link: How to rewrite your SQL queries in Pandas, and more | Codementor: "Introduction to Pandas, for developers already familiar with SQL."
How to save hours of debugging with logs –
Link: How to save hours of debugging with logs – "Logs are the boring unsung heroes of quality and debugging."
How to scale Ruby on Rails with Redis |
Link: How to scale Ruby on Rails with Redis | "Another nice tutorial on Caching with Redis and Rails"
How to solve the Google recruiters’ puzzle about throwing eggs from a building | Codementor
Link: How to solve the Google recruiters’ puzzle about throwing eggs from a building | Codementor: "You work in a 100 floor building and you get 2 identical eggs. You need to figure out the highest floor an egg can be dropped without breaking. Find an algorithm that is minimizing number of throws in the worst-case scenario."