In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos
Link: In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos: "In January 2014, Stanford University professors Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (authors of the legendary Elements of Statistical Learning textbook) taught an online course based on their newest textbook, An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISLR). I found it to be an excellent course in statistical learning"
Indexes on Rails: How to make the most of your Postgres database - Karol Galanciak - Ruby on Rails and Ember.js consultant
Link: Indexes on Rails: How to make the most of your Postgres database - Karol Galanciak - Ruby on Rails and Ember.js consultant: "Excellent advanced info on crating dB indexes, looking at query plans to understand performance."
Information for Faculty | Provost's Office | Brandeis University
Link: Information for Faculty | Provost's Office | Brandeis University: ""
Information versus Telecom
Link: Information versus Telecom: "If you think that the Internet is important because it's a network you're missing the point. Today's telecommunications industry exists in defiance of all we've learned about "information" in the last 100 years. In 1897 the British Copyright office warned us about the danger of creating scarcity by taking our abundance and converting it to private property. In 1949 Claude Shannon gave us a science of "Information" that helped us understand the distinction between bits and what we do with them. The generativity of today's Internet demonstrates the power of the idea. We need to build on this ..."
Innovation Nation at War -
Link: Innovation Nation at War - "Can one federal judge put a stop to the dumb smartphone patent battles?"
Installing Stimulus JS in a Rails app – cedarcode – Medium
Link: Installing Stimulus JS in a Rails app – cedarcode – Medium: "The purpose of this post is to explain how someone would install Stimulus JS in an existing Rails application and show some…"
Installing Sun’s Java on CentOS 5.2 | Chris Schuld's Blog
Link: Installing Sun’s Java on CentOS 5.2 | Chris Schuld's Blog: "By far the most messy thing on CentOS 5.2 is adding Sun’s Java. I have never found great success from the different packages that are out there for installing java. I prefer to simply use the packages from Sun."
Installing Ubuntu on an external SSD drive on a Macbook – Floris van Breugel
Link: Installing Ubuntu on an external SSD drive on a Macbook – Floris van Breugel: "This is harder than you think. I've messed with many different instructions for this and some work and some dont."