Rails Performance Tips
Link: Rails Performance Tips: "Super useful modern rundown of low hanging fruit performance tips for rails."
Rails background workers: Sidekiq overview and how to deploy it to Heroku
Link: Rails background workers: Sidekiq overview and how to deploy it to Heroku: "Sidekiq is a framework for background job processing that is very useful for handling expensive computation, emails, and other processes…"
Rails for Zombies - Code School
Link: Rails for Zombies - Code School: "Codeschool courses are supposed to be excellent. This is another resource that is available if you want to accelerate your learning even more!"
Rails on Docker – Nimbl3 – Medium
Link: Rails on Docker – Nimbl3 – Medium: "How we use Docker for Ruby on Rails projects in development, test and production environments"
RailsConf 2014 - Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help Me Decide! - YouTube
Link: RailsConf 2014 - Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help Me Decide! - YouTube: "By Justin Gordon Let's take some tangled code and untangle it together! We'll improve some model, controller and view code by applying view concerns, helpers, Draper decorators, presenters, and service objects. In doing so, you'll better understand where and when to use these techniques to make your code DRY'er, simpler, and easier to test. As a bonus, you'll also see how RubyMine with VIM bindings boosts refactoring productivity. Justin, aka @railsonmaui, is freelance Rails programmer and the technical evangelist for RubyMine. Passionately writing software since 1985, and focusing on Rails..."