Recurring Billing, Subscription Billing, Web 2.0 and SaaS Billing - Chargify
Link: Recurring Billing, Subscription Billing, Web 2.0 and SaaS Billing - Chargify: "Chargify is the best online billing software for all of your Recurring Billing needs. Learn more about simplifying your Subscription Billing today."
Redis streams as a pure data structure
Link: Redis streams as a pure data structure: "Really really interesting use case for REDIS, and a great scalability pattern"
Refactoring — oops, I’ve been doing it backwards. –
Link: Refactoring — oops, I’ve been doing it backwards. – "Good insights about becoming slave to rules without remembering why you’re do8ng it!" Letter of recommendation made easy
Link: Letter of recommendation made easy: "Write/generate a reference letter or letter of recommendation in 7 quick steps. Hundreds of phrases and sample letters available!"
Relish - Browsable Cucumber Features
Link: Relish - Browsable Cucumber Features: "Relish helps your team get the most from Behaviour Driven Development. Publish, browse, search, and organize your Cucumber features on the web."
Resource Oriented Design | Cloud APIs | Google Cloud Platform
Link: Resource Oriented Design | Cloud APIs | Google Cloud Platform: ""
Rethinking how we interview in Microsoft’s Developer Division
Link: Rethinking how we interview in Microsoft’s Developer Division: "Interesting about how Microsoft interviews and how they updated their process."