Zoom personal meeting room
Link: Zoom personal meeting room: "Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA."
Link: ZuzusPetals: "Zuzu's Petals is the long-running Brooklyn-based flower shop & plant nursery, located in Park Slope, NY. Our florists can help you with bouquets, arrangements, delivery, flowers for your wedding, end of life celebrations, gift items & home decor."
[EN][Keynote] Parallel and Thread-Safe Ruby at High-Speed with TruffleRuby / Benoit Daloze @eregontp
Link: [EN][Keynote] Parallel and Thread-Safe Ruby at High-Speed with TruffleRuby / Benoit Daloze @eregontp: ""
[FoR&AI] Steps Toward Super Intelligence II, Beyond the Turing Test – Rodney Brooks
Link: [FoR&AI] Steps Toward Super Intelligence II, Beyond the Turing Test – Rodney Brooks: ""
[FoR&AI] The Origins of “Artificial Intelligence” – Rodney Brooks
Link: [FoR&AI] The Origins of “Artificial Intelligence” – Rodney Brooks: ""
a list of open source alternatives to google internal tools.
Link: a list of open source alternatives to google internal tools.: "There are numerous tools used by internal google developers that are not available outside. This is a list of similar tools that are open source and available to all."
a simple git branching model
Link: a simple git branching model: "This is a very simple git workflow. It (and variants) is in use by many people. I settled on it after using it very effectively at Athena. GitHub does something similar; Zach Holman mentioned it in this talk."