iridakos - Creating a Linux Desktop application with Ruby
Link: iridakos - Creating a Linux Desktop application with Ruby: "A really nice tutorial explaining how to write a gui app on Linux using Ruby."
jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine
Link: jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine: "When used correctly,jQuery can help you make your website more interactive, interesting and exciting. This article will share some best practices and examples for using the popular Javascript framework to create unobtrusive, accessible DOM scripting effects."
Link: jgaskins/perpetuity: "Persistence gem for Ruby objects using the Data Mapper pattern - jgaskins/perpetuity"
jnunemaker/flipper: feature flipping for ANYTHING
Link: jnunemaker/flipper: feature flipping for ANYTHING: " Beautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby. - jnunemaker/flipper"
jq - CLI for JSON files
Link: jq - CLI for JSON files: "This is an amazing tool when you need it. Do queries, merges, filters on json files. You only need it once or twice a year but when you need it, it's a life saver!"
justinfrench's formtastic at master - GitHub
Link: justinfrench's formtastic at master - GitHub: "A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup. - formtastic/formtastic"
Link: kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet: "Some ideas on naming. Doesn’t take into account conventions or idioms from specific languages."
Link: klauscfhq/taskbook: "Quirky cli tool for task management. Some people want everything in the shell."