pretty-algorithms/activity-selection.spec.ts at master · jiayihu/pretty-algorithms
Link: pretty-algorithms/activity-selection.spec.ts at master · jiayihu/pretty-algorithms: "🌊 Pretty, common and useful algorithms with modern JS and beautiful tests - jiayihu/pretty-algorithms"
pretty_backtrace/pretty_backtrace.rb at master · ko1/pretty_backtrace · GitHub
Link: pretty_backtrace/pretty_backtrace.rb at master · ko1/pretty_backtrace · GitHub: ""
r/java - Any hiring manager here? What kind of Java project will impress you for entry level position?
Link: r/java - Any hiring manager here? What kind of Java project will impress you for entry level position?: "Interesting thread of good answers for new grads on how to prepare to get a job in the software world."
r/ruby - Ruby on Rails ActiveSupport::StringInquirer
class magic
Link: r/ruby - Ruby on Rails ActiveSupport::StringInquirer
class magic: "Posted in r/ruby by u/igorspringer • 28 points and 6 comments"
r/webdev - 7 Unique APIs for making interesting projects or side hustles
Link: r/webdev - 7 Unique APIs for making interesting projects or side hustles: "Some of these are new to me and pretty useful."