Easing Equations
Link: Easing Equations: ""
I know it seems that all I am doing these days is noting servo easing equations!
Link: Prettymaps: "A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries. - GitHub - marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions t..."
Honestly this looks pretty awesome! Haven’t tried it yet.
marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries. –A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries. - GitHub - marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions t…
Guide to Strings in Python
Link: Guide to Strings in Python: "We've come far in discovering the basics of computer science in the world of Python, and now is the time to start learning about strings. Strings are a fundame..."
Tour the force review of strings in python
STM32 Servo Motor Control With PWM - Servo Library Example Code
Link: STM32 Servo Motor Control With PWM - Servo Library Example Code: "STM32 Servo Motor Control With PWM. STM32 Servo Library Example Code and Complete Tutorial. Using STM32F4, STM32F103 Blue Pill Servo HAL"
One of the best explanations I’ve seen about servo hardware and firmware.
Smooth Servo Motion For Lifelike Animatronics
Link: Smooth Servo Motion For Lifelike Animatronics: "Building an animatronic robot is one thing, but animating it in a lifelike fashion is a completely different challenge. Hobby servos are cheap and popular for animatronics, but just letting it move…"
ServoEasing/examples at master · ArminJo/ServoEasing
Link: ServoEasing/examples at master · ArminJo/ServoEasing: ""
Sophisticated package for servo easing in all possible permutations! I didn't try it myself as a starting point because I didn't really understand easing. Now that I do I might try it.
solhsa.com - tutorials
Link: solhsa.com - tutorials: ""
A visual and simple explanation of the calculations for easing. I am not sure but I think some of this is over complicated. I mean I don't know that we need so many variations. In any event, it is much easier to follow because they pull out the bit that is needed.
Browse - Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections
Link: Browse - Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections: ""
Huge collection of movie posters. It looks like they are free to download, that is, without copyright!
Python Packaging, One Year Later: A Look Back at 2023 in Python Packag
Link: Python Packaging, One Year Later: A Look Back at 2023 in Python Packag: "Are there still fourteen tools, or are there even more? Has Python packaging improved in a year?"
Packaging and ‘includes’ are the worse part of python. This article really highlights the mess.