Some great links for 10/05/2020
One liners are always fun to learn.
Some great links for 09/28/2020
This looks like an amazing tool. I plan to try it asap!
tags: software howto git cli client
It’s true that there’s a level of coolness associated with using cli, but it's not necessarily true. After all we’ve moved on from VIM haven't we, and use IDE. So forget about the stigma!
Some great links for 08/30/2020
Great, I think I agree with all of it. We should all be able to live with these!
Some wise advice although for a funny language.
tags: reference erlang guide rules
Really interesting and detailed look behind the curtain at Facebook about how they handle scale and sharing.
tags: scaling howto shard services facebook
Another one of these lists of commands.
tags: howto linux Cli developers commands
Some great links for 08/24/2020
Always nice to see alternatives to devise but this is just as complicated. I haven’t used it but my question is how much of the user facing UI does it provide and how do you customize it?
tags: howto roda authentication ruby
Another useful? Extension to ruby! Are they running out of things to do? How about type inference and speed?
Some great links for 08/10/2020
tags: howto Spreadsheets html
Interesting analysis. Also follow the links to more good stuff
Some great links for 08/07/2020
very useful gem to send all kinds of notification from Rails. Haven't tested it myself.
tags: rails howto notification gems tools
Some great links for 07/12/2020
A pretty nice concept for patterns in python.
Good for ruby programmers who are learning python
Some great links for 07/06/2020
Very nice and free visualization tool in python.
tags: howto visualization python graphs
Some great links for 06/14/2020
For all those times when you need just the right illustration, an apparently amazing collection!
tags: free howto illustration