Dicts are now ordered, get used to it
Dicts are now ordered, get used to it
— Read on softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2020/02/05/dicts-
Some great links for 02/09/2020
A very nice technique to build a gem with all your css and js in one place.
tags: ruby on rails guide rails dry style css ruby howto
This is a tour the force explanation of building a 5 node infrastructure for a rails app with docker. It’s really detailed. Which always is good but introduces risk of typos or small configuration differences.
tags: scale deploy build rails docker howto
A very important topic. Learn how to write tests and then …. do it!
tags: tests rails unittest tdd howto
Interesting and I still don’t quite understand monads. But it seems like an important thing to understand!
tags: monads ruby handling error exceptions
Some great links for 02/05/2020
This is really interesting and cute. Maybe too cute. Urban legend?
tags: fake interesting maps google maps
Not that I’m about to go on an interview but this is a nice resource.
tags: cheatsheet howto algorithms interview
Some great links for 01/31/2020
It’s always hard to remember all the different options that activerecord offers for manipulating data.
tags: programming rails activerecord
Some great links for 01/28/2020
For serious projects, think twice about betting totally on a big heavy framework. Make sure you really need it because you are buying into a big and permanent tax on your project.
tags: javascript framework
Some great links for 01/27/2020
DRY. Everything in moderation. On rules and knowing when to break them.
tags: dry Code programming
I don’t think I agree. But does contain some good caveats. Reminds me of the old “Goto considered harmful”.
tags: software programming design
Some great links for 01/25/2020
Very nice detailed set of guidelines for a scalable node backend
Some great links for 01/22/2020
A fantastic efficient way to review most of the top methods and functions in python.
Review in a straightforward manner the complexity of the key sort algorithms
tags: algorithms bigo explainer
Some great links for 01/20/2020
These lists come and go all the time. I learned a couple of new ones so chance it out!
tags: productivity tools cli macbook