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Looks really useful

tags: visualization graphics charts javascript json

Looks really useful.

tags: online analysis data platform

Useful little details. Ruby is better than python. There I said it.

tags: ruby syntax

Some fun new features in ruby, some immediately useful, others controversial!

tags: ruby update 2.7 news

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A seminal paper on the Markov Localization Algorithm

tags: robotics robot localization markov

This is another package of performance monitoring scaling tools. There are several out there, maybe this one has some cool differences.

tags: ruby instrumentation performance scale measurement rails

A comprehensive package of C++ robotics related code. Another resource, not sure how well it works or how usable it is.

tags: robotics library libraries programming c++

A neat interactive, web based, way to create diagrams. Is it related or based on Graphviz?

tags: diagram illustrate network chart picture

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Very useful tips and techniques on handling of passwords.

tags: hash password howto

I know all these books. Odd that nothing new is on the list.

tags: software software developers books

Useful feature of Postgres that’s right there but easy to overlook!

tags: activerecord rails trigrams similarity postgres

A good tour of some new handy features in activerecord 6

tags: rails activerecord howto

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

There are numerous tools used by internal google developers that are not available outside. This is a list of similar tools that are open source and available to all.

tags: tools google services howto list

A wonderful trip down memory lane of code that had a huge impact in history. The only one that seems to be missing is Y2K.

tags: bugs hacks code interesting history

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.