Some great links for 10/15/2019
if this works, it’s super useful to overcome the annoying fact that Heroku dynos go to sleep and need to be woken up.
tags: explanation hacks performance Heroku howto
Some great links for 10/13/2019
Really great rundown of less known features of Postgres!
tags: tips features explanation postgres
Some great links for 10/10/2019
Super useful modern rundown of low hanging fruit performance tips for rails.
tags: performance rails tips ruby
Some great links for 10/07/2019
Surprising and useful way to think about correct SQL statements.
Some great links for 10/06/2019
I use ruby instead of bash scripting. It’s a nicer language , and oh, I know it really well.
Some great links for 10/02/2019
Super useful new gem that lets you get rails like auto loading in any ruby program
Some great links for 10/01/2019
Really nice taxonomy of database types in history.
tags: taxonomy database types explainer
Always great to see another clarification of this important technique.
tags: scalability scale sharing performance
You may or may not agree with these formatting ideas.
tags: formatting ruby style code
Some great links for 09/28/2019
Interesting trends in scholarly work, references, citations and academic status.
tags: papers research publishing journals academia
Some great links for 09/18/2019
Really useful tool to find podcasts and episodes. A nice looking podcast search engine.
tags: search podcasting podcasts searchengine