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A tool to allow me to launch multiple apps locally to get a new SOA service going for debugging.

tags: launching ruby soa servivces

Useful things to remember about using sessions in Sinatra

tags: sinatra howto tips sessions

Postgres is amazing, again!

tags: postgres tip search text fulltext postgresql

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Really good site for creating animated gifs from videos and lots lots more.

tags: video gif animated pr marketing

tags: sinatra tips ruby stackoverflow state variables global

How to build Sinatra apps with background processing

tags: microservices sinatra tips background threads ruby

Sinatra state management tips

tags: microservices sinatra stackoverflow stateless tips

How to build microservices on Heroku with Sinatra. Realy useful!

tags: queueing reddis sinatra microservices

Heroku and Github free offers

tags: students github

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

I agree, of course!

tags: review programming ruby language easy

Pretty interesting review of a world I didn’t know we’ll.

tags: software scaling architecture database

Not exactly what I would write but very useful because of that!

tags: architecture scaling

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

tags: scaling microservices web

Logs are the boring unsung heroes of quality and debugging.

tags: tips logs overview debugging

Good insights about what is learned and what is useful in a computer Science curriculum.

tags: computer computer science degree

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.