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Rails 6 will help with database sharding!

tags: rails

Fun new method in ruby 2.6

tags: ruby news

Just proves yet again that with the Unix command line you can do anything!

tags: unix pipes hacks

Wow, this looks just like Sinatra. If you want to build a quick web server this is the tool for you!

tags: framework tutorial python best practices flask

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

It’s good to know if you have some of the traits of a good programmer!

tags: skill programming learners

Good insights about becoming slave to rules without remembering why you’re do8ng it!

tags: antipattern refactoring tips

Watch out, don’t just take the highest paying job!

tags: prestige college career

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Finally I’ve joined the docker bandwagon

tags: tips docker

Interesting esoteric info about ruby, structs, hashes and more!

tags: usage ruby

Always good to see a sample of what’s considered good these days!

tags: term sheet Entrepreneurship

This site shows off research papers which include the code to run. Very nice!

tags: Papers research code

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

It’s always welcome to see what the latest most useful gems are.

tags: tips ruby recommendations gems

Nice review of some more advanced ruby features.

tags: ruby tricks tips engineering

I can attest that this can be a pain, so this handy guide is welcome!

tags: oauth ruby google

Rails keeps marching on. Some awesome improvements in 6.0

tags: beta rails

A nice little tip for handling arguments in Ruby

tags: defaults ruby tips arguments

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.