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Another interesting diagramming and sketching tool.

tags: tools diagram

Looks like a pretty amazing simple tool for creating those tedious diagrams. Similar to GraphViz for a different domain.

tags: chart diagram flowchart tools

This is pretty amazing. Need to play with this more!

tags: bayesian theory inference

Crazy code, interesting to look at!

tags: refactoring code

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Ruby is such an elegant language!

tags: ruby tutorial scope

Great, if complete and accurate

tags: language ruby reference

Excellent critique of slavish following of DRY principle when designing classes and methods.

tags: dry design abstraction

Great new visualization library that I had not seen before!

tags: data visualization python

A great list of some of the best, well known gems for ruby and for rails.

tags: ruby gems

Interesting practical article about using MCMCs to create estimates.

tags: carlo science markov chain monte data

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.