Some great links for 01/20/2019
Another interesting diagramming and sketching tool.
Looks like a pretty amazing simple tool for creating those tedious diagrams. Similar to GraphViz for a different domain.
tags: chart diagram flowchart tools
This is pretty amazing. Need to play with this more!
tags: bayesian theory inference
Crazy code, interesting to look at!
tags: refactoring code
Some great links for 01/19/2019
Slightly apologetic rundown of Why Ruby
Every Rails or ActiveRecord Dev should read this!
tags: rails activerecord mistakes
Never new this existed. Looks interesting.
tags: autoload interesting ruby method
Some great links for 01/18/2019
Always looking for new productivity in the shell!
tags: shell cli bash commands tips
Lots of cool things to do with git that you might not have known about!
tags: git productivity tips github
Some great links for 01/15/2019
See previous post. I admit I haven’t built super complicated sites, but I always seem to avoid extra languages or preprocessing if at all possible.
I never liked SASS myself.
Haven’t tried this myself yet, but it seems very useful!
Some great links for 01/14/2019
VCs aren’t the only game in own anymore!
Some great links for 01/13/2019
Fun bit of IP and hacking news. Yeah not fun for the recipient, but interesting for us!
Some great links for 01/12/2019
Small tip explains how to selfcontain bundler with a ruby script.
Some great links for 01/11/2019
Ruby is such an elegant language!
Great, if complete and accurate
Excellent critique of slavish following of DRY principle when designing classes and methods.
tags: dry design abstraction
Great new visualization library that I had not seen before!
tags: data visualization python
A great list of some of the best, well known gems for ruby and for rails.
Interesting practical article about using MCMCs to create estimates.
Some great links for 01/01/2019
Interesting about how Microsoft interviews and how they updated their process.