Some great links for 12/29/2018
Big news! If you aren’t using the Fish shell yet, what are you waiting for? It’s practically 100% compatible with bash and is 190x better in certain areas!
Some great links for 12/27/2018
Interesting Rails abstract classes feature
Do me you dare?
tags: media attention socialnetworks
Some great links for 12/26/2018
I don’t do this myself but maybe you will find it useful
All of our favorite computer genius scientist.
Kind of a cool
tags: brutalist
Everyone uses VSCODE right? Here are your tips for today!
Some great links for 12/24/2018
Really excellent explanation of all the different ways functions can be used in JavaScript. Technically dense and requires study but good.
tags: functions callbacks promises JavaScript
Some great links for 12/23/2018
There are lots of algorithm libraries. This one is a nice one!
tags: algorithms computer science
Some great links for 12/20/2018
Without reading this, I know I totally agree!
tags: developers frameworks learning lifehacks
Not a coding link but has some useful ideas if you are a teacher.
tags: grading teaching mathematics formula curves
Some excellent techniques for making activerecord perform best.
tags: rails speed activerecord
Some great links for 12/16/2018
Rails keeps on marching on. Another great addition. Supports an intelligent way for a rails app to receive and handle incoming email.
tags: rails email actionmailbox
This classic is updated. And they switch from java to JavaScript. This is a great improvement. Yes, personally I would have preferred ruby but js is a more logical choice!
tags: refactoring software engineering computer science book
It’s sometimes hard to figure out a good palette in data visualizations. This is a useful guide.
tags: aws ruby serverless