Some great links for 11/17/2018
tags: random statistics paradox
An exhaustive analysis of apple maps.
An interesting concept related to agile planning, and velocity. Useful.
tags: cycle time scrum agile velocity
Some great links for 11/15/2018
An interesting google tool for checking a web sites performance and other behavior.
tags: Google performance
Some great links for 11/14/2018
Amazing automated bug discovery and fixing tool
Some great links for 11/13/2018
Rubocop is a great tool for Ruby programmers
tags: rubocop
Websockets is important to understand if you’re going to be a full stack Dev.
tags: Websockets tutorial
Always can learn how this works better!
Some great links for 11/11/2018
Ive been playing around a lot with Crystal. If you're a ruby person you will really like this for it's compiled binaries. The typing is a big of a mixed bag but overall I think its helpful.
Some great links for 10/25/2018
Excellent detailed article about benchmarking a rails app and then introducing a tool that replaces malloc and purports to provide a 2x improvement
tags: memory optimization rails performance ruby
Some great links for 10/24/2018
Decent summary. A bit obvious though. But a good read.
tags: skills programmers
Some great links for 10/22/2018
This looks like a super useful tool!
I am really fascinated with this language. Ruby-like syntax and semantics, but fully compiled.
tags: crystal programming ruby compiled
Some great links for 10/21/2018
Always looking for the best possible rub tools? Here you go!