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This has just been made free! I think these tutorials will contain some gems.

tags: ruby free tutorials ruby on rails

Fowler discusses real and so called faux agile.

tags: project agile scrum

Answering the perennial question, once again, in the positive.

tags: rails

Progressive web apps, an interesting alternative to a SPA.

tags: progressive web spa app

A super useful collection of cli alternatives. Save time and headaches!

tags: cli Unix commands tricks

Fun list of papers, reports, and dissertations related to ruby from academia.

tags: bibliography dissertation research ruby

Wow, lots of neat things here for the very mundane chore of running in the rails console!

tags: console tricks rails

All about parsing CSV and what the current solutions are in Ruby, and problems therein.

tags: csv

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A gem containing functionality to represent, import and export spreadsheets

tags: rails ruby Spreadsheets

Excellent advanced info on crating dB indexes, looking at query plans to understand performance.

tags: database postgres scale rails indexes

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

I’m not personally an rspec fan, but lots of people are

tags: ruby ruby on rails rspec configure

Authorization is the management of who is allowed to do what (vs. authentication which is accurate identification of who a user is)

tags: pundit rails recipes authorization

ActionCable is a very powerful subsystem in Rails to create server push scenarios easily.

tags: ActionCable WebSocket rails engineering

Hey, Ruby on Rails is still there!

tags: recommendations programming languages

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Very interesting underused feature in web communication

tags: api hooks web webmentions

Pretty straight up advice. Oldies but goodies.

tags: coding dev style

Quirky cli tool for task management. Some people want everything in the shell.

tags: cli task todo

tags: unclemartin architecture dev

One of the many reasons I prefer Ruby over Python. Not to say I don’t use python when I need to. Data Science, Robotics, etc.

tags: dependency python management

Every ruby developer owes it to yourself to learn and use PRY. I will got farther and say that there should be a pry for all languages!

tags: rails ruby debugging pry

tags: leanstartup startup lean

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.