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What is Standards-based Grading? - TeacherEase

Link: What is Standards-based Grading? - TeacherEase: ""

"Standards-based grading (SBG) is an innovation in education that focuses on learning and helps increase achievement. It is often combined with updated instructional practices and culture to better engage students and foster a positive environment. This page is an introduction for parents and educators new to standards-based education."Explaining Standards Based Grading, which I think is almost the same as Specs Based Grading. Another concept I am learing about.

Center Cam Standard Package

Link: Center Cam Standard Package: "Center Cam Standard Package includes: Center Cam Assembly, Adjustable clip mount, Lens Privacy cover. Center Cam Specs: 1080p Resolution, F2.1 lens, 30 FPS, 65 degree Horizontal Field of View. Compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux. USB-A/USB-C. Adjustable Clip Mount Specs: Opens up to 2". Unit is 5 Ft. long"

This seems like a very good tool! We do so many zoom calls these days, not to mention teaching over zoom. We’re used to the off center eye contact. But I wonder whether people will notice when you use this that you’re looking right at them. Maybe it will make you more persuasive or help you do better in negotiations?

Rails design patterns

Link: Rails design patterns: "This article is a high-level overview of design patterns that are commonly used in Ruby on Rails applications. I also mention the cons and pros."

Fantastic overview of the most common rails patterns. I think it’s pretty up to date and comprehensive.