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How clever is Mac OS X?

I guess because deep down I am still a paranoid Windows user, my OS X is configured to automatically reboot every Saturday at 7:00am, "just to clear out the cobwebs." A very handy setting by the way, which I wish that Windows XP also had. Am I imagining this? Last week I turned off my Mac - turned off the power - because I was going to be away for a week. When I returned I found that it seems to have rebooted itself on Saturday as it does every Saturday. Can this be? It was off! I dunno, maybe I just imagined having powered it off a week ago… Technorati Tags: osx

Hello from Curacao

I've discovered how hard it is to work on a laptop with a tiny screen, 1.2GHz and, esepcially, 256Mb of memory. Sloooooow! I've been keeping up with emails but not really getting into a blogging mindset. This is just a cheat post to make my blog not appear dead 🙂 Curacao? Those of you who know me, know. Those who do not, probably don't know where Curacao is. Look it up on a map. A little island (and I mean little) in the Caribean, right off the coast of South America. It's where I was born and grew up,so I get back here regularly. Nice.

Insights on the world of mashups

Adam Green has two very insightful posts about Mashups inspired at Mashup Camp:

All of this is very cool. At least that is what one side of my brain says. The other side is saying "How the hell is the average person going to understand any of this?" I even doubt if the average blogger is going to be able to follow all of this data flying around the Internet. (from "Cognitive dissonance at Mashup Camp")

and also about business models in the new world of Mashups:

"At the end of his pitch we had a standard joke. "Do we pay them or do they pay us?" These conversations were going on in board rooms all over the country" (from "Who pays whom?")

Read them both. Good stuff. By the way this stuff is somewhat relevant to BlogBridge, even though it's not your conventional mashup, if you think about it BlogBridge, and it's relationship to the BlogBridge Service, and other services such as and Technorati raise very similar questions. Technorati Tags: mashup, mashupcamp

Very cool new idea for travel web sites

You probably already follow TechCrunch but if you don't take a look at Flyspy, a very clever new idea for adding very useful information to booking flights online.

"The way it works is that I give it a departure city and a destination city and optionally a departure date and length of stay. The search result, which returns very quickly, will present me with a graph of flight prices over the next 30 days so that I can quickly look at which days are the cheapest to fly. To book a flight I just click on the point in the graph. Simple." (from "Flyspy Brings The New Web To Airline Ticketing")

Very cool! Technorati Tags: onlinetravel

Cartoon Madness

The Freakonomics blog often has good stuff in it, even if you haven't read the book, which also has good stuff in it.

"Mitai Sandy, a 29-year-old graphic artist and comic-book publisher in Tel Aviv, came up with the following solution: a new anti-Semitic cartoon contest, with the submissions drawn by Jews themselves. "We'll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!" Sandy said. "No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!" (from "Applying the Old Incentive Switcheroo to Anti- Semitism")

Also see this and this. Technorati Tags: cartoon