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Geek Dinner a great success!

6Bac19F6Bc For those of you who came, thanks for joining us. For those of you who didn't come, you missed out! I think we had about 30 people (but didn't count) and I met many new people which was great. It seems like these Geek Dinners are popping up all over, and makes us East Coast geeks feel like we actually exist! Thanks to my co-organizers Adam Green and Mark Doerschlag, RSS Labs, Bela Labovitch and Indigo Tabor for pitching in! And also thanks to Brian Del Vecchio for the photos! Technorati Tags: geekdinner

Optical illusion fun

I got this in an email, not sure exactly where it came from but it's pretty cool. The image looks like it's moving, doesn't it? But actually it's not an animation at all. It's your brain that getting its circuits scrambled. You know how you can tell? Just cover most of the image with your hands and look at a small part. It doesn't move. Amusing!

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