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TSPSIs and How I Write

Link: TSPSIs and How I Write: "Useful advice and framework for structuring your academic or technical writing. Author says: "TL;DR: Writing about writing and having written, and self-referentiality. Complementary musings on AI.""

Bottlenecks of Scaleups

Link: Bottlenecks of Scaleups: "Common bottlenecks that prevent startups from scaling as quickly as they should. Thoughtworks always has good deep insight about software engineering. This too is an interesting series."

GPS – Bartosz Ciechanowski

Link: GPS – Bartosz Ciechanowski: "GPS is an amazing, complex and super interesting technology. People have a vague understanding that it involves satelites and so on. But there is so much more to it! Interactive article explaining how GPS works."

GitHub - gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process.

Link: GitHub - gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process.: "This seems like a very nice simple tool to solve a common problem. My only confusion is that there are a bunch of similar tools to do the same thing. Each has its own DSL, written in ruby or some other language, has its own conceptual steucture, and its own bugs. It’s enough to make me decide to just keep doing it by hand. Heres what the author says: “ Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process. - GitHub - gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool...”"

GitHub – gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process.

GitHub - gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process. –This seems like a very nice simple tool to solve a common problem. My only confusion is that there are a bunch of similar tools to do the same thing. Each has its own DSL, written in ruby or some other language, has its own conceptual steucture, and its own bugs. It’s enough to make me decide to just keep doing it by hand. Heres what the author says: “ Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool, built on top of SSHKit. You can use it to script your server build process. - GitHub - gregmolnar/prepper: Prepper is a simple server provisioning tool…”