A Nibble of Content-Defined Chunking
Link: A Nibble of Content-Defined Chunking: "A great explanation of a really cool algorithm. “How de-duplicated, incremental file transfer works “"
Testing Rails Apps with FactoryBot and MiniTest
Link: Testing Rails Apps with FactoryBot and MiniTest: "This blog post looks at testing rails apps with FactoryBot and MiniTest – the default test framework which ships with Rails...."
The Growth Hacking Playbook: Your Ultimate List of Growth Hack Resources
Link: The Growth Hacking Playbook: Your Ultimate List of Growth Hack Resources: "Growth hacking is a popular buzzword, but do you know what it means? Learn about the best growth hacking resources with this playbook."
5 Python Libraries That Make Everyday Coding Simpler
Link: 5 Python Libraries That Make Everyday Coding Simpler: "A bunch of really handy little python libraries: lThese modules bring a bit more elegance and functionality to Python"
Markdown in Ruby on Rails with RedCarpet – Mitch Craver
Link: Markdown in Ruby on Rails with RedCarpet – Mitch Craver: "A pretty detailed explanation and example of how to use Markdown in Rails"
Try These 8 Modern Alternatives to Common Unix Commands
Link: Try These 8 Modern Alternatives to Common Unix Commands: "I may already have covered this. But there are one or two new ones on this list: “If you have used any Unix-like operating systems like GNU/Linux or terminal in the macOS, you will be familiar with cd, ls, grep, find and…”"
Math for Future Scientists: Require Statistics, Not Calculus
Link: Math for Future Scientists: Require Statistics, Not Calculus: "I totally agree with this. Ive used or needed to use statistics ans probability a lot more often than calculus: “The case for ending calculus requirements for science majors.”"
Security Best Practices for Your Rails Application | AppSignal Blog
Link: Security Best Practices for Your Rails Application | AppSignal Blog: "These are pretty basic common sense measures that i think any rails app should follow: “Ensure your Rails application stays secure by following some best practices and habits.”"
The Hundred-Year Programming Language
Link: The Hundred-Year Programming Language: "A suprisingly thoughtful and detailed essay. I skimmed it. It's a bit of intellectual play because the question could be answered much more briefly. But the article does go deep and look at the question in many different interesting ways."
Import Maps Under the Hood in Rails 7 | AppSignal Blog
Link: Import Maps Under the Hood in Rails 7 | AppSignal Blog: "Very useful background on Rails 7 and Javascript: "Learn how to install JavaScript libraries with import maps and how import maps work under the hood in Rails 7."