Trunk-based Development vs. Git Flow
Link: Trunk-based Development vs. Git Flow: "Two major ways of organized source control and brancing: "Git Flow or trunk-based development? This guide lists the pros and cons of both, and examines various use cases.""
Making Sense of Rails Assets
Link: Making Sense of Rails Assets: "Rails Assets (css, js, etc) have been managed through various mechanisms over the years. They seem to keep trying to find something less mind bendingly complex. Here's the latest: "Demystify the complexity of the Rails 7 asset pipeline and navigate its wide menu of options.""
Why You Should Use Data Classes in Python | Giuliano Pertile
Link: Why You Should Use Data Classes in Python | Giuliano Pertile: "Don't you know what a Data Class is? You know how to use it? And what is the difference with a regular class? Here in this post I will try to answer these questions and many more."
A Quick and Easy Guide to the Asset Pipeline in Rails 7 | Mix & Go
A Quick and Easy Guide to the Asset Pipeline in Rails 7 | Mix & Go –It never hurts to learn more about the Asset Pipeline in Rails 7, right?
Welcome to Bashly | Bashly - Bash CLI Framework
Link: Welcome to Bashly | Bashly - Bash CLI Framework: "Bashly is a command line application (written in Ruby) that lets you generate feature-rich bash command line tools."
Welcome to Bashly | Bashly – Bash CLI Framework
Welcome to Bashly | Bashly - Bash CLI Framework –Bashly is a command line application (written in Ruby) that lets you generate feature-rich bash command line tools.
Python List Comprehensions Are More Powerful Than You Might Think
Link: Python List Comprehensions Are More Powerful Than You Might Think: "I can always learn tonuse comprehensions better! “Write better list comprehensions with the help of these unknown features and tricks”"
Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti | Taichi Docs
Link: Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti | Taichi Docs: "This is almost in the too good to be true category! “Python has become the most popular language in many rapidly evolving sectors, such as deep learning and data sciences. Yet its easy readability comes at the cost of performance. Of course, we all complain about program performance from time to time, and Python should certainly not take all the blame. Still, it's fair to say that Python's nature as an interpreted language does not help, especially in computation-intensive scenarios (e.g., when there are multiple nested for loops).”"
How To Learn Any New Skill Fast: 26 Tips and Tricks - Jeremy Fielding 105
Link: How To Learn Any New Skill Fast: 26 Tips and Tricks - Jeremy Fielding 105: "My first video post to this. This is an excellent motivator and explainer to all of you trying or struggling to learn a new skill. I myself am struggling go learn to play the piano. Ha! I’ve been doing that for over 10 years. Still diggin’"
How To Learn Any New Skill Fast: 26 Tips and Tricks – Jeremy Fielding 105
How To Learn Any New Skill Fast: 26 Tips and Tricks - Jeremy Fielding 105 –My first video post to this. This is an excellent motivator and explainer to all of you trying or struggling to learn a new skill. I myself am struggling go learn to play the piano. Ha! I’ve been doing that for over 10 years. Still diggin’