PyImageSearch University Courses: You can master Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV
Link: PyImageSearch University Courses: You can master Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV: "Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV courses from PyImageSearch and Dr. Adrian Rosebrock"
The Fiducial Follow App
Link: The Fiducial Follow App: "Great information about how to use Fiducials for simple following and navigation"
Git Good - The magic of keeping a clean Git history | Blog | simplabs
Link: Git Good - The magic of keeping a clean Git history | Blog | simplabs: "This post is designed to help you form a solid mental model while working with Git both professionally and in an open source project, and how to ensure you are following best practices to make the process easier for everyone."
Git Good – The magic of keeping a clean Git history | Blog | simplabs
Git Good - The magic of keeping a clean Git history | Blog | simplabs
This post is designed to help you form a solid mental model while working with Git both professionally and in an open source project, and how to ensure you are following best practices to make the process easier for everyone.
March 17, 2022 at 08:09PM
3 ways to detect slow queries in PostgreSQL
Link: 3 ways to detect slow queries in PostgreSQL: "This blog post is about handling bad performance in PostgreSQL and shows three useful and quick methods to spot performance problems and slow queries."
haokaiyang/Mac-QuickLook: QuickLook plugins and packages
Link: haokaiyang/Mac-QuickLook: QuickLook plugins and packages: "QuickLook plugins and packages. Contribute to haokaiyang/Mac-QuickLook development by creating an account on GitHub."
Faster Rails: Eliminating N+1 queries - Semaphore
Link: Faster Rails: Eliminating N+1 queries - Semaphore: "N+1 queries are making your Rails app painfully slow. Learn how to eliminate them from your project."
Faster Rails: Eliminating N+1 queries – Semaphore
Faster Rails: Eliminating N+1 queries - Semaphore
N+1 queries are making your Rails app painfully slow. Learn how to eliminate them from your project.
March 14, 2022 at 04:28PM
How I test Rails applications
Link: How I test Rails applications: "When I was a Rails beginner I was amazed by Rails and Test Driven Development. But I often struggled with testing because I did not know…"