Goodbye to BlogBridge…
a glorious run of almost 10 years, regretfully, I've decided to decomission
BlogBridge. My longtime freinds and blog followers will remember that I and
Aleksey worked on BlogBridge quite intensively for several years, and then
gradually less and less.
Over the last several years BlogBridge was more or less on auto pilot, but still with a decent set of devoted users. And every week and month brought in additional users. Not a huge amount but enough to keep it interesting.
Our pricing model was very lopsided, with most of the features being available for free, and then two levels of paid use, the basic (for $20 per year) and publisher (for $100 per year.) While we should have done more experimenting on the pricing, the fact is that there were lots of good alternatives available for free. So it was a tough (bad?) market fromt he start.
It was a labor of love. A comparitively tiny amount of money was actually spent on it but really compared to the labor that went into designing and implementing BlogBridge, it was truly a labor of love.
So herewith the news that BlogBridge is no longer available as a supported product. While it still has innovations that have not been copied in newer products, the fact is that the interest in dedicated rss readers has passed and it does not make commercial sense to continue. Actually, it hasn't made commercial sense for several years, but I am sentimental about it!
If you are a user, subscriber, or fan, you can read some more of the nitty gritty here.
How does that song go again? "Thanks for the memories….."