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VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development

Me too. I also bought the M3 beats everything story. Still I have gotten programmed to really like the overall look of the macOS universe and be somewhat repelled by the windows look and feel. That’s just taste. But, the so called disadvantage of the macOS “walled garden” to me is a feature. That my contacts, calendar, desktop, email and all seamlessly stay in sync across my laptops, desktop, phone and tablet is a huge advantage that I totally rely on.

  • Web site excerpt: I’m kinda shocked. Windows actually got good for web developers. Between VSCode, WSL, and Intel’s latest desktop chips, I’ve been living with a PC for over a week that runs my programming tests faster than an M3 Max, ships with an excellent window manager out-the-box, and generally feels like a completely viable alternative to macOS fo...

  • Link to site: VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development

Asyncio Patterns in Python

A great step by step introduction to ASYNCIO in Python for cleaner concurrency and synchronization.

  • Web site excerpt: Recently I needed to run millions of API calls to an internal service. API calls are IO blocking. This means that when my service calls the…

  • Link to site: Asyncio Patterns in Python

Calculated file paths

Nice little article. The biggest thing I learned and was surprised by was this line:

path = Path(__file__).parent / "coffees.txt"

What's the story with that slash?

  • Web site excerpt: MP 87: What are they, and why should you use them?

Note: I've been working on the styling of code blocks in technical posts. They should look better than they did previously, and be more aligned with what's discussed in the text. There's still some work to do; if they're

GNSS Positioning - A Reviser

A super comprehensive introduction to GPS, with more detail than I have seen elsewhere. Also based on the second paragraph it seems to be quite up to date (2023)

  • Web site excerpt: This article reviews the core principles underpinning the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). It references some of the key terminology, outlines the main potential sources of error, and describes how the application of RTK DGPS techniques can mitigate these errors to a large extent.

  • Link to site: GNSS Positioning - A Reviser

How HEAD works in git

Julia Evans continues with her tour the force in depth explainers about how git actually works.

  • Web site excerpt: Usually when people say that a topic is confusing when I think it’s not, the reason is that there’s actually some hidden complexity that I wasn’t considering. And after some follow up conversations, it turned out that HEAD actually was a bit more complicated than I’d appreciated!

  • Link to site: How HEAD works in git

Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

A set of explanations of newer git commands that many people including me don’t use. Some of this is quite advanced.

  • Web site excerpt: All of us - software engineers - use git every day, however most people only ever touch the most basic of commands, such as add, commit, push or pull, like it's still 2005.Git however, introduced many features since then, and using them can make your life so much easier, so let's explore some of the recently added, modern git commands, that you should know about.

  • Link to site: Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter

This is a quite interesting letter, advocating the creation of a privately owned data store for every user of the web. It’s a grand vision coming from somebody who has huge influence. that someone is Tim Berners-Lee, the so-called inventor of the World Wide Web. By the way he used the NeXT computer to create the original prototype, which is a pretty interesting historical note.

A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup

An update on vscode for ruby and rails. This stuff is covered all the time but it’s worth seeing it again because the world changes and the recommendations also change.

  • Web site excerpt: Setting up VS Code for Ruby on Rails development can be tricky, so I wrote this article to help. In it, I share different VS Code extensions for things like autocomplete, linting, formatting and more! I've even put together a handy extension pack to get you setup fast.

  • Link to site: A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup